International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 2019

Hello and welcome to spring! It’s always great when those first shoots of green appear. For Toronto Pflag it’s when we shift into high gear. Starting with Day of Pink in April our speakers are being kept busy with both schools and workplaces. This hectic pace will be kept up through IDAHTB, then Pride.

Many people don’t even know IDAHTB exists. It doesn’t get much coverage and this year’s flag-raising will closely resemble last year’s flag raising.

But for members of the community phobias and bigotry are a fact of life. It’s an insult they endure because of who they are. Something they did not choose. Something they cannot change.

That’s why we will be there again: defiantly raise our flags and proclaim that it is real and it is wrong.

Join us at City Hall on May 17 at noon at the top of the ramp.

Team at IDAHTB 3 - photo credit City of Toronto.JPG