Pride is live for 2022!

After two years of Pride over Zoom, in 2022 we are returning to In-Person events this year, and it's a great time to remember why Pride continues to matter, and why it’s important to gather each year. Not only is Pride a colourful celebration of diverse sexualities and genders, it's also a festival that promotes self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility for LGBTQ2S+ individuals to live Out and Proud, as their authentic selves.

Pride also reminds us of the hard-fought battles our queer communities have faced, as so many continue to endure hardships around the world today. This past year in the USA we watched how conservative state lawmakers pushed more than 320 anti-LGBTQ bills, many focusing on transgender students. While Oklahoma became the first state to explicitly ban nonbinary gender markers on birth certificates, a Texas judge had to step in to temporarily block the state from investigating families of transgender kids who have received gender-affirming medical care. Meanwhile, in Idaho, 31 members of a white supremacist group were arrested with riot gear near a Pride event in Coeur d'Alene, just as so many continue to endure hardship around the world and in Canada today.

Around the globe, reports 375 trans and gender-diverse people were reported murdered in 2021 - up 7% from 2020. reports 71 global jurisdictions still criminalise private, consensual, same-sex sexual activity. 11 jurisdictions, the possibility of the death penalty is imposed - at least 6 of these implement the death penalty (Iran, Northern Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen) while the death penalty is a legal possibility in 6 others (Afghanistan, Brunei, Mauritania, Pakistan, Qatar and UAE). And 15 global jurisdictions criminalize gender identity and/or expression of transgender people using so-called ‘cross-dressing’, ‘impersonation’ and ‘disguise’ laws. Just as so many continue to endure hardships around the world and still in Canada today, Pride is a reminder there are more battles to fight together.

This Pride, as we gather to celebrate our LGBTQ2S+ loved ones, we must remember Pride is a protest, a revolution, and a cause to stand together as allies. We must renew our commitment to add our voice, raise our rainbows, and fill ourselves to the brim with Pride and Love for those who cannot live Out and Proud.

Toronto Pflag's team of volunteers wish you all a very Happy Pride!

Please feel free to join us at any Toronto Pflag events listed below.


President, Toronto Pflag