Both Can Be True, by Jules Machias

Both Can Be True, by Jules Machias
Publisher: Quill Tree Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publisher
Review by: Giselle Bloch, Pflag Parent

I made a note after a someone mentioned the book Both Can Be True in the chat at an online support meeting. I can’t remember who recommended it, but I picked up a copy and read the entire book in one day!

This book is about gender and so many other things. It’s about labels and not labelling, it’s about coming of age, emotions, love, support, truth, identity, acceptance, and spectrums instead of absolutes. It’s truly amazing.

Both Can Be True is written from the perspective of the two main characters: Ash and Daniel. They are 13-year-olds who meet at school; Ash switches genders from day to day, and Daniel has been told that he’s overly emotional. They bond over a little dog, their beautiful friendship develops, and it becomes complicated when they start to have more-than-friend feelings for each other.

Ash and Daniel share their thoughts and emotions with honesty, insight, and humour. Both Can Be True is a book that you won’t be able to put down after reading the first paragraph. I learned so much from this book, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and I highly recommend it to teens and adults alike!