Lending library

We keep a sizeable collection of useful books on a cart at our Toronto East meeting location. This program is currently on hold as all of our meetings are now virtual.


There are no specific due dates and no fines for our lending library. However, while you have the book, no other parents can use it.

Accordingly, we ask that you make an effort to promptly read and return any materials you borrow.


Amazon recommendations

We are developing an annotated list of recommended books in several categories. If there are books that have been especially helpful to you, let us know so we can add them!

  • Non-fiction informational books about being transgender or gay (primarily aimed at parents).

  • Pictures books about gender non-conformity or being different.

  • First person accounts by LGBTQ2S individuals or their parents, about their journey.

  • Novels (mostly YA) featuring trans or gay characters. It can really make a difference to young people to see themselves reflected in entertainment.

Toronto PFlag book reviews

A new feature in our monthly newsletters is reviews of relevant books. Check out the reviews written by our volunteers.

Have you read a book that really helped you to gain understanding or become more accepting? You can help others by contributing a short review! To submit, or discuss the possibility, email us at office@torontopflag.org.

More great suggestions can be found on the WeAreTeachers website.

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